
팬클럽 후원

ENHYPEN 정원님의 글로벌 팬덤에서 유기동물 치료비를 후원해주셨습니다.

작성자 관리자 날짜 2024-05-29 21:50:55 조회수 442


ENHYPEN 정원님의 글로벌 팬덤에서 정원님과 반려견 마음이의 만남과 그 애정 어린 관계에서 영향을 받아

세상의 많은 털복숭이 친구들에게 도움이 되고자 KAPCA에 유기동물 치료비를 후원해주셨습니다.


정원 님의 선한 영향력과 팬분들의 따스한 마음, 소중한 후원에 감사드립니다.

In honor of our beloved and kind-hearted leader, ENHYPEN's Yang Jungwon,

we, the global fanbase of Jungwon (JUNGWONGLOBAL Fanbase), are delighted to sponsor KAPCA,

a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping stray cats and dogs.

Jungwon’s loving relationship with his fur baby Maeumi and his compassionate nature have deeply inspired us.

With the support of ENGENE's who purchased and supported our online kit,

we are able to donate all our profits to this meaningful cause.

Jungwon's generous and warm-hearted spirit motivates us to continue his legacy of kindness and support for animals in need.

Through this donation, we aim to extend his love and care to more furry friends, embodying the values he holds dear.

We hope this contribution helps KAPCA in their mission to care for and protect stray animals.

By following Jungwon’s example, we strive to make a positive impact and spread more kindness to our furry friends.



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